Friday, June 6, 2008

If a tree falls in the forest...

A tree did actually fall while we were walking the trails today at Griffy, and we were able to see/hear it.

Our purpose for being there was to assess the damage that occurred as a result of Wednesday's flash floods. The rains tore off some of the bark from this tree.

And one path was completely blocked by the trees that fell down in this area. We tried to count how many were down, and it appeared to be maybe four or five???

This was an odd sight. The only thing remaining of this bridge was the planks that had once stabilized it. Several feet away, we found the portion of the bridge that enables you to walk across the water-filled area.

It was still extremely soggy along the trails, but we were able to get back far enough to confirm that the geese families were still alive and kickin'. There had been reports that something might have happened to them, but thankfully, the geese were able to survive the storm.

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