Sunday, June 1, 2008

Chicks and ducks and geese...

Okay, well maybe just ducks and a family of geese this a.m. As the sun was trying to poke its head above the horizon and stream its rays through a cluster of trees by the Bell Trace pond, a lone duck (mallard?) came into view. But, that wasn't the most interesting thing I encountered during my wog. Sitting nearby was a Great Blue Heron that I inadvertently spooked. Luckily, it didn't leave the area completely...just moved down the pond a bit. So, that takes care of the ducks, but what about the chicks and the geese.

A family of geese have decided to move from the Bell Trace pond to the Fountain Park pond. To me, the Bell Trace area is more pleasant - the banks of the pond buffer the menacing traffic that races down 10th Street. In the Fountain Park area, there is nothing between you and the traffic, except the sidewalk. This a.m., the geese family were on the side by the post office munching on some of the grass that litters the area. Out of the blue, one of the parents decides it's time to cross the street. They don't wait for a gap in the traffic, the parents simply point their head forward, stretch out their neck, and proceed. Good thing for them that the only thing getting in their way to the pond was me - and I let them go first.

No deer on the cross country course this a.m. - just a Toyota Camery along side the gravel trail. The other day, when storms were peppering the weather forecasts and the sky was a hazy shade of gray, what appeared to be two parents and three children stood in the center of the open field near the grove of trees. That day, the deer did not enjoy sharing their space with me (even though we were quite a distance apart) so the kids went off toward the fence and the parents headed in the opposite direction toward the thicket of trees.

No pictures on this adventure. Maybe later today...if the heat, humidity, and the latest batch of storms that are skirting the area don't thwart the day's plans.

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